The Freedom Mastery HMO Unlocked

Imagine having all the skills, knowledge, guidance and support to become FINANCIALLY FREE in less than 6 months.

You spent all your spare time on making the business work, but success seems to be at unreachable distance? Perhaps you read books, or watched hundreds of videos, and more often than not you find yourself selling your time for money? As a result, you are not getting the financial rewards that you first imagined and that you truly deserve? With HMO Unlocked mentoring programme the financial independence and time freedom can be your everyday reality.

1-2-1 Unlimited Mentoring

Bring a Rent to HMO expert to your power team and embrace a fast progress of your profitable business with our personalised coaching and support

Online Training Platform

Access the HMO Unlocked Action Course and HMO Legal Pack 24/7. Master the secret skills and use professionally drafted contracts, templates and resources and step ahead of the competition

Unique Network

Connect with other industry-related entrepreneurs and grow your skills and network via weekly Zoom Sessions , exclusive Facebook Group and exclusive WhatsApp Group

Are you ready to ignite your success? If you are ready to:

Quit Your Boring job and become independent
travel more
create a lifestyle that you always dreamt of
provide more security to your family

then this program is perfect for you. Learn how to run your Rent to HMO business with a cash flow of minimum £500 per month in less than 90 days. GUARANTEED!

Success Assurance Guarantee - You Will Never Be Left Behind

If you don’t secure your first deal in 90 days or less, you will receive an exclusive invite to our office and we will spend a minimum of 2 hours with you to review your Blueprint and rectify any flaws holding you back from succeeding.*

What is included in the HMO Unlocked mentoring program:

detailed and precise Action Course, taking you through every step of your HMO journey towards your next deal
exclusive resources, contracts and tools designed to streamline your HMO entrepreneurial journey
expert 1-2-1 guidance and support from the industry leading mentor, who understands the challenges and opportunities of HMO investing
Weekly Zoom Mastermind sessions with our mentors recorded and accessible for all our Mentees
Access to exclusive WhatsApp chat connecting you with other property entrepreneurs

What will happen once you join:

you will receive full access to your training, materials and online training platform, including resources, contracts, and other tools
we will book a blueprint session with you and build a strategy designed around your lifestyle
we will monitor your actions and your progress in order to align your business towards your goals
we will help you to master your script and system of beliefs in order to scale your confidence
assistance at various situations, e.g. Negotiating or signing a contract will be at your fingertips
Further assistance to scale your business to your desired outcome.

Who is this program for:

property enthusiast, who is keen to invest in property, and maybe even willing to look into other lucrative strategies later down the line
entrepreneurs seeking passive income to Diversify Revenue Streams and/or get more time back in their life
full time professionals seeking to finally quit the rat race and become more independent and fulfilled with their business
young people who don’t want to get trapped into corporation system and become financially free at early stages of their life
everyone who wants to build a business mindset and grow confidence that will impact every area of their life

Who is this program not for?

get -rich- quick- seekers who are looking for overnight success or shortcuts to wealth
risk- averse individuals who are not comfortable with property investment risks, or inherent uncertainty of the property market
risk, averse individuals who are not comfortable with property, investment, risks, or inherent uncertainty of the property market
passive people who think that rent to HMO is something that requires no effort


Great Mentorship. definitely recommend! Kamil is an Amazing guy and so is his team. They're very helpful and i would definitely recommend their mentorship. I only joined very recently but i know so much more information already and have 24/7 support from the team and other members.

Jayden Richardson

Professional and knowledgable. Kamil and the team are very supportive and knowledgable. Our weekly zoom sessions are always packed with interesting subjects. We're receiving all the training needed to become better at what we do, we're getting more confident week by week and we're setting up goals that seemed impossible to achieve not so long ago. Thanks again to everyone at Freedom Mastery!


-Great mentorship
-Great mentorship -Great support
-Great communication
There is a lot of more then you are expecting in course.
Great experience in simple sentence!!!!!

Patryk K

The Freedom Mastery HMO Unlocked

Imagine having all the skills, knowledge, guidance and support to become FINANCIALLY FREE in less than 6 months.