The Freedom Mastery Serviced Accommodation Unlocked

Imagine a life where are you no longer worry about your financial future, where investing in Rent to Serviced Accommodation becomes an effortless journey toward success.

Are you tired of spending every spare moment trying to make your business succeed, only to feel like success is just out of reach? Have you poured countless hours into reading books and watching videos, but still find yourself trading your time for money? It’s time to change that. With the Serviced Accommodation Unlocked Mentoring Program, you can turn your vision of financial independence and time freedom into a daily reality.

1-2-1 Unlimited Mentoring

Never get stuck with our Rent To Serviced Accommodation expert supporting your progress, questions and struggles that you’re facing daily

Online Training Platform

Lifetime access to Serviced Accommodation Unlocked and Serviced Accommodation Legal Pack will turn every beginner into a Rent to Rent Professional

Unique Network

Surround yourself with other entrepreneurs who share the same journey as you are and use your network to grow yourself and your business via weekly Zoom Calls and exclusive WhatsApp Group

Don’t just wait for all the stars to line up for you! If you are ready to:

Quit Your Boring job and become independent
travel more
create a lifestyle that you always dreamt of
provide more security to your family

… then this program is perfect for you. Learn how to run your rent to Serviced Accommodation business with a cash flow of minimum £500 per month in less than 90 days. GUARANTEED!

Success Assurance Guarantee - You Will Never Be Left Behind

If you don’t secure your first deal in 90 days or less, you will receive an exclusive invite to our office and we will spend a minimum of 2 hours with you to review your Blueprint and rectify any flaws holding you back from succeeding.*

What is included in the Serviced Accommodation Unlocked mentoring program:

condensed and actionable action course, directing your progress towards your financial goals every day
exclusive resources, contracts and tools designed to simplify your Serviced Accommodation Action Plan
expert 1-2-1 mentoring from the industry leading mentor, who secured multiple deals and faced the challenges you will face as well
weekly zoom mastermind sessions with our mentors recorded and accessible for all our Mentees
access to WhatsApp group chat allowing you to network with other mentees who embarked on the same journey

What will happen once you join:

you will receive full access to your Training Materials and online training platform, including resources, contracts, and other tools
we will book a blueprint session with you and build a strategy designed around your lifestyle
we will monitor your actions and your progress in order to align your business towards your goals
we will help you to master your script and system of beliefs in order to scale your confidence
assistance at various situations, e.g. Negotiating or signing a contract will be at your fingertips
Further assistance to scale your business to your desired outcome.

This program is designed to empower and support:

Property Proponents who are ready to seize profitable investment opportunities and explore other lucrative strategies.
Entrepreneurs who crave passive income, yearn to diversify revenue streams, and regain control of their time.
Working People who dream of breaking free from the rat race, embracing independence, and finding fulfillment in their own ventures.
Ambitious individuals who refuse to be boxed in by corporate systems and strive for financial freedom at an early stage in life.
Anyone seeking to cultivate a business mindset, boost their confidence, and unleash their potential in all aspects of life.

This program is not suitable for:

Individuals looking for make-quick-money schemes or success shortcuts to wealth.
individuals who don’t want to overcome the fear of inherent uncertainty and risks of property investment in the market.
Those who prefer a passive approach and believe that rent to Serviced Accommodation requires minimal effort.
those who are unwilling to listen and take on board personalised coaching


The Freedom Mastery sessions are great...
The Freedom Mastery sessions are great place to share your experiences, failures and achievements with other members of the group. The advice and support of mentors is great.
They teach you not just the technical part of rent 2 rent, but also the importance of the right mindset, which is crucial part in achieving your goals.
So over all I would recommend joining Freedom Mastery to anyone.


I have been interested in investing in property for many years but never really progressed in a meaningful way despite spending lots of time looking at different properties and strategies.
Joining the group and having an encouraging group of people who are going through the same thing as well as experienced mentors who can help when you have any questions is a real game-changer. I now have the skills and confidence to go out and find property deals coupled with the knowledge that I can check with an expert to see whether they are worthwhile.
I have a young family and a very hectic work schedule but the group helps me to balance my time so that I do not let slide the time required for property investments. The ongoing mentoring and master classes in the programme help keep me focused on my goals. Joining the group has helped me realise that the main thing that was holding me back was fear and within two months I am already making a very healthy profit from serviced accommodation without risking a large amount of capital at the outset.
My only regret about this programme is that I did not find it sooner!


Kamils personal touch by calling you and giving you personal advice and blue print on how to move forward is really helpful.


The Freedom Mastery Serviced Accommodation Unlocked

Imagine a life where are you no longer worry about your financial future, where Investing in Rent to Serviced Accommodation becomes an effortless journey toward success.